Reddit Real Estatecareer - Being a real estate agent can be worth it, but it depends on factors like your local market, skills, and personal goals. You can earn well through commissions. For those working in the real estate profession, what made you get into real estate and what are the pros and cons of being a realtor/real estate agent? To be short, i wanted to help people. Hi, i’m a 35 year old male, who is potentially looking to make a career change is real estate. I’m currently an operational manager at firm making $120+ year but i’m tired of the job of doing, as. I'm hoping to see if anyone has any strategy on how to get into the industry or any advice at all around a career in real estate. I have a bachelors in economics, a good business analyst job,. Prepare yourself by making sure you have at least 50 to 100 people in your sphere of influence you can talk to and tell them the exciting news that you become a realtor. Real estate has probably been the only industry which has sparked genuine interest in me wanting to pursue as a career in it after high school. However, i know that most real estate. So i'm currently a college student, and i am interesting in working in the real estate industry. I know there are many different kinds of jobs in the field, from law to developing to finance/asset. Watch the video below about how to become a real estate developer. A popular way to get experience is through an internship, either paid or unpaid, before or after graduation. With the increase of ibuyers and the lawsuit with nar, it’s hard to predict where or what our role of broker/agent will be in the future. I’ve been thinking of other careers to explore where i can. Find the right brokerage, work for an established realtor, and get ready to work. Seriously, don’t bother this career unless you really want to sell real estate. Is getting a career in real estate worth it? I’m thinking about getting my real estate license but i’m not to completely sure about it. Could anyone with experience give me any advice.
Being a real estate agent can be worth it, but it depends on factors like your local market, skills, and personal goals. You can earn well through commissions. For those working in the real estate profession, what made you get into real estate and what are the pros and cons of being a realtor/real estate agent? To be short, i wanted to help people. Hi, i’m a 35 year old male, who is potentially looking to make a career change is real estate. I’m currently an operational manager at firm making $120+ year but i’m tired of the job of doing, as. I'm hoping to see if anyone has any strategy on how to get into the industry or any advice at all around a career in real estate. I have a bachelors in economics, a good business analyst job,. Prepare yourself by making sure you have at least 50 to 100 people in your sphere of influence you can talk to and tell them the exciting news that you become a realtor. Real estate has probably been the only industry which has sparked genuine interest in me wanting to pursue as a career in it after high school. However, i know that most real estate. So i'm currently a college student, and i am interesting in working in the real estate industry. I know there are many different kinds of jobs in the field, from law to developing to finance/asset. Watch the video below about how to become a real estate developer. A popular way to get experience is through an internship, either paid or unpaid, before or after graduation.